
Thursday, 23 May 2013


Like and share stuff from other websites with your friends on Facebook.interacting with social plugin your friends.following the steps add your blog/website social plugin
1.login your facebook account and see the bottom of the facebook create page the create page after open choose your Facebook Page to build a closer relationship with your audience and customers
3.suppose i am choose the company and  click company enter details next click get started button
4. Add a description and website to improve the ranking of your Page in search and basic information
5.upload your page photo and set facebook address next advertise will be skipped
            ok success your page created.
next go to the face book social plugin click here
choose your button.for  example i am click the like button and fill the details

URL:your face book page url
 note:Send Button (XFBML Only)
choose font,width etc and click get code and show the codes choose the IFRAME code.

copy this code and paste this your blog gadget

Monday, 20 May 2013


The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it. The first program to write is the same for all languages:
Print the words:hello, world

In C, the program to print ``hello, world'' is
printf("hello, world\n");

Just how to run this program depends on the system you are using. 

complie the program click the alt+F9.and dispaly errors and warning.errors and warnings must be zero and next run the program click ctrl+F9 to display the output
As a specific example, on the UNIX operating system you must create the program in a file whose name ends in ``.c'', such as hello.c, then compile it with
the command
cc hello.c
If you haven't botched anything, such as omitting a character or misspelling something, the compilation will
proceed silently, and make an executable file called a.out. If you run a.out by typing the command
it will print
hello, world

An example of simple program in C
int main(void)
          printf(“HAI HOW ARE YOU\n”);
          printf(“FINE ”);
          printf(“you know the trick\n”);
The previous program will produce the following output on your screen 
 FINE you know the trick
a C program line begins with # provides an instruction to the C preprocessor
It is executed before the actual compilation is done.
Two most common directives :
In our example (#include) identifies the header file for standard input and output needed by the printf().
Identify the start of the program
Every C program has a main ( )
'main' is a C keyword.  We must not use it for any other variable
Identify a segment / body of a program
The start and end of a function
The start and end of the selection or repetition block.
Since the opening brace indicates the start of a segment with the closing brace indicating the end of a segment, there must be just as many opening braces as closing braces  (this is a common mistake of beginners) 
Each statement in C needs to be terminated with semicolon (;) 

Each statement in C needs to be terminated with semicolon (;)

Friday, 17 May 2013


APN means access point name it is gateway between a gprs mobile network and computer network.
A mobile device making a data connection must be configured with an APN to present to the carrier.
APN Settings For India

GPRS APN settings for all Network Providers

APN Settings for GPRS

Aircel APN Settings

Aircel: aircelgprs | Access Number: *99***1#

Airtel APN Settings

Airtel: | Access Number: *99#

  Tata Docomo APN Settings

Tata Docomo : tata.docomo.internet | Access Number: *99#

 Idea APN Settings

Idea: internet | Access Number: *99#

 Reliance APN Settings

Reliance: rcomwap | Access Number: *99#

BSNL APN Settings

BSNL 3G: bsnlnet | Access Number: *99#

    Vodafone  APN Settings

Vodafone : www |  Access Number: *99#

MTNL  APN Settings

MTNL 3G Postpaid: mtnl3g

Prepaid : pps3g

Uninor APN Settings
 access number:*99#

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


The START button in xp easily to change this button following the steps

1.first you need download the resource hacker it is just 731kb click here
2.install the  resource hacker and click file open button click the file explorer.exe

4.display the dialog box and click the string table

 open the 37 table and choose the 1033 table.display the language side choose the 578 line
   replace the string anything in start position

5.After replace click compile script and go to file menu choose exit option
6.goto run  and type regedit press ok to show the following dialog box

7.go to the path
              HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Microsoft->Windows NT->winlogon
and winlogon enter to show the right side double click on shell
8.After clicking the shell to open dialog box and replace the same string on the step4 and extension is .exe

9.restart the system button will be changed


cryptography comes from the greek words for "secret writing". professionals make a distenction between ciphres and codes.
                 A cipher is a character for charecter or bit for bit transformation, without regard to the linguistic straucture of the massege .
                A code replace one word with another word or symbol. codes are not used anymore, although they have a glorius history. the most successiful code ever devised was used by the u.s armer forces during world war 2 in the pacific.
               They simple had navajo indians talking to each other using specific navajo words for molatary

Encryption methods have historically been divided into two categories.
 1.substitution ciphers
 2.transposition ciphers
                  substitution ciphers each letter or group of letters is replaced by another letter or group of letters to disguise it.
one of the oldest known ciphers is the caesar this method
a becomes D, b becomes E ,c becomes F..........and z becomes C
EX: attack becomes DWWDFN
      the above example plain text will be given in lower case letters,and cipher text in upper case letters
the next improvement is to have each of the symbol in the plain text say,the 26 letters for simplicity ,map onto some other letter.
 ex:  a   b  c d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n o  p q  r s   t  u  v  w x  y  z
       Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M
the general system of symbol-for-symbol substitution is called a monoalphabetic substitution,with the key
being the 26 letterstring corresponding to the alphabet
ex: plaintext is attack would be transformed into the cipher text QZZQEA
    We use this method reorder the letters but do not disguish them.
  Ex:the common transposition cipher, is columnar transposition . the cipher is a key word by a word or phase not containing any repeated letters.
Ex:MEGABUCK is the key
          the purpose of the key is the number the columns, column i being under the key letter closet to the alphabet and so on.
        The plain text is written horizontally, in rows, padded to fgl the matain if need be. the cipher text is read out by columns, starting with the column whose key letter is lowest.
                           M  E  G  A     B  U  C  A
                           7    4  5   1     2    8  3   6
                           p    l   e    a     s    e   t    r
                           a    n  s     t     e    r   o   n
                          e    m  i     l      l    i     o   n
                         d    o   l     l      a    r    s   t
                         o    m  y   s      w   i     s  s
                         b    a   n   k      a   c    c   o
                         u    n   t    s      i     x    t   w
                         o   t    w   o     a    b    c   d
                      Please transfer one million dollars to my swiss bank acount six two two

Monday, 13 May 2013


affiliate marketing is online days most of the items will be sale on the affiliate marketing.some companies/websites are working in the affiliate marketing.this companies give the commission on the each sale of the product.
 uses of the affiliate marketing is..... will happy because you earned commission
 2.affiliate companies will happy because each item is selling taken the commission
3.the company is happy because they have a new sale
how to work affiliate marketing.......
1.first you need signup in the any affiliate market websites

    i suggest good website world wide affiliate marketing is
    and india users registered the vcomission
2.after signup enter into the websites and choose products you will be sale on advertise.
3.and give HTML/JAVA SCRIPT code or product's banner.
4.this code you will be post on the your website/blog gadget and ad will display on the websites.
  google will be give the advertise credit 2000RS first you need credit the 500RS.
sign in the google adwords websites.and you will ad will be shown in the google top pages
registered google adwords click here